
Showing posts from May, 2020

Winning at all cost?

Who don't like to be a winner? But atleast everyone gets a chance to fight till the end which gives a bundle of experience. Sometimes you are fighting againt own will(conflict) which might be the toughest of all. Winning always brings satisfaction which has some level of ego added to it. Yeah you are getting boost up being self reliant, ambitious and all after winning but as there can't be just one phase  there can't be just positive side after winning. We just don't, bother looking at the negative side of winning. Few people would argue but letting the dear ones win can bring more joy there it teaches the real power of losing. Lockdown is on. ***STAY SAFE***

Return of football

Footballers are back on field so as the smile on football fans. In this pandemic they are going to entertain us as well as might be doing it for economic growth because I can't feel the personal interest in playing football in this havoc knowing how much risky it's outside. Football fans are happy but I don't think footballers are soon they will be leading from front to keep you entertaine with all the pain and fear in this pandemic. Imagine a person of your family steps outside and the amount of fear it will create in ur heart. ***LONG LIVE FOOTBALLERS***