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Quarantine Morning

From making the tea to killing the time by washing the cups it's so obviously lowest morning we could ask for and getting a glimpse of how the whole day will pass it can be scary, if you give it a deep thought.. Fortunately time flies and the worst days will pass with the help of our super heroes leading from the front so create the calmness and patience to end the day on high note.. ***STAY POSITIVE***


   What an amazing quality to have.  But... Does it always work out in the best way? As it stands it helps us to reach our extreme limit, but to have it we need MOTIVATION . As it stands 'motivation' is kind of booster to have belief but to remain motivated..... Isn't it a tough task? Many will say if your goal is set..... to be motivated its not a huge task, still it reamins tougher move for many. As it stands 'to remain motivated' needs a perfect surrounding and comfort. That's hard to have in this pandemic which is no more a pandemic now a days as it is turning into a usual days. As it stands question reamin same, Does it? Theoretically its one of the best quality to have as it let you express yourself as you want to be and it has to work out every single time. Practically it might has some flaw, like it might give you arrogance (take it netural to belive it) so it can help you always. ***STAY SAFE***

Just a thought on SSR

What once influenced us stucked in mind forever.  That's what Sushant Singh Rajput did to many people. It's hard to even imagine how tough his situation was but its very easy to predict, that's what society do, also in these high profile cases you can't blame the society they just speak what the media deliver them, unluckily we are watching shattered journalism. What Sushant did is seriously very hard to believe he felt short against Bollywood basically against those who runs it, its very similar to many cases of Indian society where a poor loses against powerful. The surprising thing is from the very young age he was fighting, he was a born warrior but he was the warrior for the world until they heard he attempted the worst and suddenly his image is opposite, now he is a coward for many.  Just give it a deeper thought.... The so called warrior has never ever thought he should be living for his family for his own personal world? Still he did, gives the deadly vibe o

Winning at all cost?

Who don't like to be a winner? But atleast everyone gets a chance to fight till the end which gives a bundle of experience. Sometimes you are fighting againt own will(conflict) which might be the toughest of all. Winning always brings satisfaction which has some level of ego added to it. Yeah you are getting boost up being self reliant, ambitious and all after winning but as there can't be just one phase  there can't be just positive side after winning. We just don't, bother looking at the negative side of winning. Few people would argue but letting the dear ones win can bring more joy there it teaches the real power of losing. Lockdown is on. ***STAY SAFE***

Return of football

Footballers are back on field so as the smile on football fans. In this pandemic they are going to entertain us as well as might be doing it for economic growth because I can't feel the personal interest in playing football in this havoc knowing how much risky it's outside. Football fans are happy but I don't think footballers are soon they will be leading from front to keep you entertaine with all the pain and fear in this pandemic. Imagine a person of your family steps outside and the amount of fear it will create in ur heart. ***LONG LIVE FOOTBALLERS***

Time to be warriors

We were happy  We past World wars We were happy  We past English rule We were happy  We past Ancient age We were happy  We past Utter poverty  We were happy We past Kingdom Rule  They(HISTORY) all set the example by overcoming it. Now its our turn to overcome this pandemic. To become the history warriors for future. ***Stay Home***

Hurt brings the change..

Is it possible not change yourself when you gets hurt?? Hurt brings a thought and every new thought can bring a new change. So how it's possible to be same as you are after getting hurt. Yeah you can deal with it in a right manner but is it always possible to be calm and positive after every setback knowing it is a human nature to think of worst after having a painful time. Negativity is not everyone liking but it's everyone integrity so to remove it thoroughly is quite difficult. Yeah by being positive we can overcome it but the strength needed in the very moment of pain is not in everyone's books. So people do changes things in there day to day life to be Happy but I am stuck. Can anyone overcome hurt without changing things in his life ?